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- 10 Takeaways from Gartner Data & Analytics Summit, London, May 22-24
- 3 Real Capital Markets Examples that Unlock GenAI Value
- 3 Steps To Make Your Generative AI Transformative Use Cases Sticky
- 5 Steps to Building AI-Ready Trading Systems
- A developers guide to JSON parsing in kdb+
- Accelerating Python Workflows using PyKX
- Accelerating Python: From Research to Production
- Accelerating Quant Research: An Engine for Speed
- Achieving Simultaneous Execution of a Function Across Multiple kdb+ Processes
- AI factory 101: An AI-readiness assessment framework
- AI factory 101: How to build an AI factory
- Analytic development using PyKX – Part 1
- Analyzing stock prices with KDB.AI
- Automated Machine Learning in kdb+
- Automation at the Edge with EnterpriseWeb
- Backtesting at scale with highly performant data analytics
- Benchmarking Specialized Databases for High-frequency Data
- Boost your LLM's IQ with multi-index RAG
- Build RAG-Enabled Applications with LlamaIndex and KDB.AI
- Business Intelligence: Engines & Horses for Courses
- Climbing the crowded mountain: Generating alpha with high-performance analytics
- Creating Bullet Graphs in KX Dashboards
- Critical Steps in the Digital Transformation & Analytics Journey
- Crypto Currencies and Digital Assets Come of Age
- Cultivate Sustainable Computing With the Right ‘per Watt’ Metrics
- Current Status Industry 4.0 with AI and Smart Manufacturing
- Data Analytics and the Innovative Energy Transition
- Data Enables Utilities to Deliver with the Flick of a Switch
- Database Maintenance with q
- Democratizing Financial Services: Tier 1 Tooling Without the Expense
- Detect, Determine, Act – How Applied Observability can Drive Better Decision Making Across the Enterprise
- Discover kdb+ 4.1’s New Features
- Dreams of Paris, and Anomalies and TCA
- Dynamic Modeling of Covid-19
- E-trading’s evolution isn’t just a matter of time
- Eight ways PyKX is transforming Python integration and expanding access to kdb+
- Elevate Your Data Strategy With KDB.AI Server Edition
- Embracing a new era: kdb+ unleashed for everyone
- Enhancing Your kdb+/q Toolkit: Real World Examples of Iterators
- Five Steps to an enterprise nervous system
- Five ways capital markets firms can ensure their data culture is AI-ready
- Five ways to manage hallucinations to leverage AI with confidence
- From lab to ledger: Six ways AI factories drive ROI in the AI era
- From obligation to opportunity: Redefining best execution
- Get started with kdb Insights 1.10
- Getting Smart in Smart Manufacturing
- GPU accelerated deep learning with kdb+
- Harnessing multi-agent AI frameworks to bridge structured and unstructured data
- How Access to Real Time Data Empowers Foreign Exchange Trading
- How time-series analytics transforms post-trade analysis
- How to Avoid A Goat In Monte Carlo – Elegantly
- How to Build and Manage Databases Using PyKX
- How to stop your RAG going rogue
- How to Utilise and Leverage Big Data and Analytics
- Hybrid data: The key to unlocking generative AI accuracy
- Implementing RAG with KDB.AI and LangChain
- Introducing kdb Insights 1.9
- Introducing KDB.AI 1.3
- Introducing The KX Delta Platform 4.8.1
- It’s about time. Five reasons why KX is the leader in real-time analytics
- kdb Insights Enterprise On Amazon FinSpace
- kdb Insights Enterprise on Azure is now General Availability (GA)
- KDB.AI Cloud
- kdb+ and the History of the q Phrasebook
- Kdb+ Features In Dell STAC-M3™ Benchmark Tests
- Kdb+ Version 4.0 - Faster, More Secure
- KX & Snowflake: Empowering Snowflake with Up to 100x Faster and More Efficient Vector and Time Series Analytics
- KX and the Urban Institute: Enabling smart cities through data analytics
- KX Insights: Powering Business Decisions with Bitemporal Data
- KX product insights: Benchmark manipulation
- KX Product Insights: Insider Trading Alert
- KX Product Insights: Streaming ChartIQ in KX Dashboards
- KX Product Insights: What’s in a Baby Name?
- KX recognized as ‘Best Transaction Cost Analysis Solution for Best Execution’
- KX recognized as one of the top 100 AI fintech companies globally
- KX Releases the kdb Visual Studio Code Extension
- KX v DBOps Benchmarks
- KX’s kdb+ and Intel® Optane™ Persistent Memory Attain Several World Records in STAC-M3 Financial Services Benchmarking
- KXperts: The role of kdb+ in quantitative research
- Law Enforcement With Data – it’s Elementary
- Lessons from the Gartner Data and Analytics Summit
- Lessons you can learn from GenAI high performers
- Levelling the playing field: How PyKX democratizes data analytics for firms of all sizes
- Logging Best Practices in kdb+
- Mastering fixed income trading with ICE accelerators on kdb Insights Enterprise
- Mastering RAG: Precision techniques for table-heavy documents
- Mastering TAQ data analysis with kdb+
- Maximising Success when Migrating Big Data Workloads to the Cloud
- Memory mapping in kdb+
- Modernizing infrastructures that mix Python and q
- Multimodal AI: Harnessing diverse data types for superior accuracy and contextual awareness
- Navigating AI skepticism: A path forward for capital markets
- Nearly half of UK students see coding skills as vital for future career prospects
- OAuth2 authorization using kdb+
- Overcoming AI Challenges with KDB.AI 1.1
- Partitioning Data in kdb+
- Pattern matching with temporal similarity search
- Proactive risk management: Navigating market uncertainty with advanced analytics
- PyKX 3.0: Easier to use and more powerful than ever
- PyKX Highlights 2023
- PyKX open source, a year in review
- PyKX: Run Python, q the Speed
- Python for Data Analysis… is it Really That Simple?!
- Real Time Response to Real Time Events
- Real-Time Data, SaaS, and the Rise of Python – a Prediction Retrospective
- Scale vector search with partitioning on KDB.AI
- Security made simple: How to protect kdb+ with IAM
- Seven ways kdb+ powers advanced quantitative research
- Should capital markets favor discriminative AI and traditional ML solutions over GenAI? Yes – and also no
- Single-Page Applications and kdb+: React
- Six ways kdb+ drives quantitative success at B2C2
- Slim Down That Python with PyKX
- Stop Stuffing Your Time Series Data into Your Data Warehouse Like it’s Your Sock Drawer
- Structure, meet serendipity: Integrating structured and unstructured data for left- and right-brain decisions
- Surveillance at the Sharp End
- Tackling Data Challenges with KX and Capco: A Fresh Perspective
- The end of high dimensions: Matryoshka learning is revolutionizing AI search forever
- The misunderstood importance of high-fidelity data
- The Montauk Diaries
- The New Data Frontier
- The new dynamic data duo: Structured meets unstructured data to win on the generative AI playing field
- The New Standard for Surveillance Frameworks
- The Power of Parallelism within kdb
- Time is the Best Medicine
- Tips, tricks, and solutions from the kdb+ community
- Transforming Enterprise AI with KDB.AI on LangChain
- Treliant: A Cloud-Native Trade Analytics App in 10 Lines of Code with kdb Insights
- Turbocharge kdb+ databases with temporal similarity search
- Turbocharging Data Analytics with KX on Databricks
- Understand the heartbeat of Wall Street with temporal similarity search
- Unlock new capabilities with KDB.AI 1.4
- Unlock the power of modern search re-ranking
- Unlocking Advantage with Cloud-Driven Architecture
- Unlocking competitive advantage with real-time data in capital markets
- Unwrapping rlwrap
- Visualizing Covid-19
- Visualizing Cycles Using KX Dashboards
- Webcast: Three innovative quant trading applications and three ideas everyone should steal
- Webinar: Next-gen analytics in capital markets with NVIDIA
- Webinar: Six best practices for optimizing trade execution
- What Makes Time-Series Database kdb+ So Fast?
- What to look for in a time series database
- What’s new with Insights 1.11
- Why real-time analytics wins in capital markets
- Why temporal similarity search is key to advanced trading compliance
- Why you're probably using the wrong embedding model (and it's costing you)