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Faster Return on Investment |
Kdb Insights enables organizations to achieve a faster ROI and sharpen their competitive edge by making better decisions faster – informed by actional insight, enriched with historical context, and delivered in real-time.
The study shows kdb Insights delivers 315% ROI and $5.7m benefits over 3 years, and payback in < 6 months.
The Total Economic Impact study demonstrates the return on investment (ROI), and broader financial impacts of kdb Insights deployed across high-complexity manufacturing, prototype research and development, utility networks, and grid-based energy marketplaces. Highlighted benefits include:
An intuitive UI and integration with cloud-native technologies make it easy to deploy, use, and integrate with other applications and technologies.
This openness means developers can continue to work with familiar tools and technologies like Python, SQL, and PostgreSQL to develop solutions that harness the power of real-time insight and KX without knowing its specifics or mode of operation.
Similarly, data scientists can utilize the intuitive front-end to select the data sources they want to access, the transformations they want to make, and the analytics they want to be performed.
In both cases, the behind-the-scenes complexities of sourcing, routing, write-down, distribution, scaling, and failover are all taken care of by the platform – freeing developers to concentrate on business benefits rather than infrastructure. Kdb Insights helps DevOps accelerate the ongoing development and rollout of new functionality by delivering continuous intelligence for more informed business decisions – powered by real-time analytics.
Industry Accelerators provide additional benefits, delivering faster delivery of solutions and faster time to insights for the telecommunications, manufacturing, automotive, utilities, and finance industries.
KX is different from other standard databases because it operates directly on the data in flight and in the database, removing the need to transfer data to other applications for analysis. The columnar design of KX means it offers greater speed and efficiency than typical relational databases, and its native support for time-series operations significantly improves both the speed and performance of queries, aggregation, and data analysis.
Whether performing millions of simulations during R&D or analyzing streaming data from cars on the track, “quick data access, quick data analysis, quick decisions” is how BWT Alpine F1 Team gets its competitive edge with kdb Insights.