KX is the creator of kdb+, independently benchmarked as the world’s fastest vector database and time series analytics engine. Built for the most demanding data environments, KX technology is trusted by the world’s leading companies for their mission-critical data applications. Our industry-leading software processes and analyzes time series and relational data at unmatched speed and scale, enabling richer actionable insights to drive decisions. With it, developers and data engineers build high-performance data-driven applications, and turbo-charge their favorite analytics tools in the cloud, on-premises, and at the edge. Learn more about our products below.

At the heart of all KX technology is kdb – the World’s Fastest Vector Database and Time Series Analytics Engine.

Deployed as a single, low-footprint executable, kdb is highly performant – independently benchmarked as 100 times faster than other solutions, scalable, and can reduce hardware and maintenance costs by 90%. KX data analytics solutions make it easy for data application builders to add real-time capabilities to Python workloads, SQL queries, AI, and ML tools.

Accelerate your transformation to a real-time intelligent enterprise.



Experience the world’s fastest time series database and analytics engine.

  • Fastest query speed ​
  • In-memory compute engine​
  • Extreme scalability ​
  • Program in q

kdb Insights

Cloud-ready time series database and analytics engine for multiple languages.

  • Built on kdb+​
  • Object Storage and REST support​
  • Pluggable Microservices ​
  • Program in Python, SQL and q

kdb Insights Enterprise

Enterprise-featured time series database and streaming analytics engine.

  • Built on kdb+​
  • Multi-cloud, hybrid and on prem​
  • Elastic scalability​
  • IAM & Auth​
  • Friendly UI + Python, SQL & q

Experience KDB.AI

Unlock structured and unstructured data with temporal and semantic search at scale.

kdb Product Features

The kdb time series database and analytics engine delivers endless possibilities on-prem, at the edge, or in the cloud.

Features kdb+ kdb   Insights kdb Insights Enterprise
Fastest Query Speed
Real-time Data Capture and In-memory Analytics
Extreme Scalability (multi-petabyte)
Data Compression
Multi-cloud, Hybrid & On-prem
Machine Learning Toolkit
Program in q
Program in Python
Program in SQL
Pluggable Containerized Microservices
Native Cloud Service Integrations
Embedded Machine Learning & MLOps
Multi-node Data Replication & Recovery
Kubernetes Deployment & Operator
Graphical UI
Authentication & IAM
Multi AZ (Availability Zone)
Available for hyperscale clouds Microsoft Azure
Microsoft Azure
Microsoft Azure
Available on Cloud Marketplaces Microsoft Azure
Microsoft Azure
Available as a managed service Amazon FinSpace Microsoft Azure Marketplace
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When technology delivers a price-performance benefit of 100x at 1/10th cost – it’s worth a closer look.

Check out the industry leading benchmarks from STAC, Imperial College London and others to see how kdb performs.