Q for All: Introduction to kdb+ and q Video Series by Jeffry Borror

4 June 2018 | 2 minutes

If you are considering learning how to use kdb+, and its built-in programming language q, or have just begun to work with it, you will want to check out the latest resources for getting started. KX has created a video series called Q for All: Introduction to kdb+ and q, with Jeffry Borror. The two-hour, 15-part series provides practical coding examples which viewers can program along with using a free version of kdb+ (staging.kx.com/download/) and a free version of the lecture material, available on the kdb+/q Developer site (see below).

Series instructor Jeffry Borror is an expert kdb+/q coder well-known in the kdb+ community as the author of two seminal books on how to program in kdb+/q. The first book,  Q for Mortals, A Tutorial in Q Programming, was published in 2008. A second book, which replaced the first, is called Q for Mortals, An Introduction to Q Programming, which was published in 2015. The second book has subsequently been made free online on the kdb+ Developers site, code.staging.kx.com.

Many thousands of budding kdb+ developers have relied on Jeffry’s work to get started on their first kdb+/q projects. The first chapter of his latest book, called Q Shock and Awe, sets the stage, and has been the foundation of many kdb+/q classes taught by Jeffry over the years. The topics touched on in this chapter offer the promise of what is possible with kdb+/q and give inspiration for new users. These topics are the basis of this instructional video series:

  • Kdb+/q Introduction
  • q Console, Types and Lists
  • q operators & operator precedence
  • Booleans, Temporal data types…
  • Casting and date operators
  • Operations on lists
  • Functions Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
  • Tables
  • qSQL
  • Advanced qSQL
  • I/O
  • Interprocess Communication
  • Callbacks

For further kdb+ training resources please visit the Kx training section of staging.kx.com.  Once you get started, please sign up for the Kdb+ Personal Developers Google Group to ask questions of other kdb+/q programmers in our community.

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