whats new within insights 1.11

What’s new with Insights 1.11


Head of Builder Content

The Insights Portfolio brings the small but mighty kdb+ engine to customers who want to perform real-time streaming and historical data analyses. Available as either an SDK (Software Development Kit) or a fully integrated analytics platform, it helps users make intelligent decisions in some of the world’s most demanding data environments.

In our latest release, Insights 1.11, KX introduces a selection of new feature updates designed to improve the user experience, platform security, and overall query efficiency.

Let’s explore.

We will begin with the user experience updates, which include several new features:

  • Data flow observability accelerates root cause analysis for data pipeline errors by providing enhanced visibility into data ingestion so that developers can quickly identify and trace issues without having to interrogate multiple service logs
  • Client replica size discovery for Reliable Transport simplifies connections and configurations by including automatic discovery of the cluster size, removing the need for manual configurations and client-side topic prefixes
  • User Defined Analytics (UDA) have been consolidated into a single, unified API, eliminating the need for detailed system knowledge and API functionality across components.
  • PDF generation for views and UI enhancements, including “Dark Mode,” has now been added to the Insights UI. We have also optimized the scratchpad experience to improve responsiveness and reduce system load
  • HTTP proxy support now provides seamless integration for customers, ensuring accurate traffic routing and reliable pipeline deployments

Security enhancements include:

  • Encryption for “Data At REST” adds the ability to encrypt all tables in the intraday and historical databases using kdb+’s native DARE capability. When enabled, Advanced Encryption Standard with 256-bit Cipher Block Chaining is used to provide symmetric key encryption for secure workstreams
  • Package entitlements enable safe multi-user deployments by securing the creation of user-defined packages via the Command Line Interface (CLI). This helps secure collaboration by protecting deployments and analytics from unauthorized access or changes.
  • jQuery and jQueryUI have also migrated to newer technologies in 3D charting and dashboards, addressing potential vulnerabilities related to cross-site scripting (XSS) and DOM manipulation found during penetration testing

Finally, we have made several feature updates to overall query efficiency, including:

  • Live rolling view states for temporal data, enabling end users to provide relative timestamps in data source queries and execute at dashboard load of configured polling intervals
  • Limits to getData queries also accelerate reliable query response on larger datasets by enabling analysts to retrieve just a subset of the data (for example, the top 100 rows)

To learn more, visit our latest release notes and explore our free trial options.

Accelerate your journey to AI-driven innovation with a tailored KX demo.

Our team can help you to:

  • Designed for streaming, real-time, and historical data
  • Enterprise scale, resilience, integration, and analytics
  • An extensive suite of developer language integrations

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