Business Continuity at KX

KX has a Business Continuity Plan (BCP) in place that is approved by Senior Management and reviewed quarterly, or in case of a major change. An abbreviated version is available here.

KX has a comprehensive test program as part of the BCP to help ensure Business Resiliency. Tests are conducted throughout the year. The table below is a sampling of the tests that are conducted and the frequency. Please note that other tests are also conducted, dependent on a site’s specific requirements and systems.

Air Systems 2x per year
Fire Risk Assessment Annual
Power Failover/Generator Annual
Evacuation tests Annual
PAT Testing Every 2 years
Property Tabletop Exercise Annual
CCTV maintenance/log review 2x per year
Cybersecurity Tabletop Exercise Annual

Business Resilience

Business resilience is an organization’s ability to absorb stress, recover critical functionality, and thrive in altered circumstances. In short, it positions organizations to prepare for anything.