DORA Supplementary Addendum

Version Number: 1.0
Date Last Revised: 11 October 2024

Within this document, the terms “we”, “us”, “our” and “ourselves” refers to the Supplier defined in the Order Form and “you”, “your” and “yourselves” refers to the Customer defined in the Order Form. Licensed Software shall mean the software products which you have licensed from us under the agreement between us (the “Agreement”).

This Addendum shall be effective from 17 January 2025 unless otherwise agreed in writing between the parties.

Within this document, the following terms are referenced (as such terms may be updated from time to time):

DORA: Digital Operational Resilience Act

Technical and Organisational Measures: Technical and Organizational Measures | KX

Trust Centre: Trust Center | KX

Software Support Terms: Software Support Terms

This document is not intended to vary any rights you may already have under your Agreement, but is intended to supplement such rights.

DORA Article 30 Key Contractual Provisions KX Provision
Article 30(1):
The rights and obligations of the financial entity and of the ICT third-party service provider shall be clearly allocated and set out in writing. The full contract shall include the service level agreements and be documented in one written document available to the parties on paper, or in a document with another downloadable, durable and accessible format.
The respective rights and obligations of the parties are set out in writing in the Agreement, including service levels and response times (please refer to our Software Support Terms or to your own bespoke software support and maintenance terms, if applicable, in the Agreement).

We can provide a copy of your Agreement to you at the request from a member of your Legal Department.

Article 30(2)(a):
The contractual arrangements on the use of ICT services shall include a clear and complete description of all functions and ICT services to be provided by the ICT third-party service provider.
The Licensed Software and any associated services are described in the Agreement (including the Software Support Terms or your own bespoke software support and maintenance terms, if applicable, in the Agreement).

The Licensed Software documentation is set out here:

Article 30(2)(e):
The contractual arrangements on the use of ICT services shall include service level descriptions, including updates and revisions thereof.
Service level response times for responding to errors in the Licensed Software are set out in the Software Support Terms (or your own bespoke software support and maintenance terms in the Agreement) and will depend on the support level you have selected (where relevant). Your entitlement to new versions of the Licensed Software is also described in such terms.

If you have purchased professional services in your Agreement, service levels are as set out therein and in any Statement of Work or Service Pack between us.

Article 30(3)(a):
The contractual arrangements on the use of ICT services supporting critical or important functions shall include full service level descriptions, including updates and revisions thereof with precise quantitative and qualitative performance targets within the agreed service levels to allow an effective monitoring by financial entity of ICT services and enable appropriate corrective actions to be taken, without undue delay, when agreed service levels are not met.
Service level response times for responding to errors in the Licensed Software are clearly set out in the Software Support Terms (or your own bespoke software support and maintenance terms in the Agreement, where applicable) and will depend on the support level you have selected (where relevant).

We monitor, and you may monitor, any response times commencing from the point the support ticket was raised by you.

Article 30(3)(b):
The contractual arrangements for the provision of critical or important functions shall include notice periods and reporting obligations of the ICT third-party service provider to the financial entity, including notification of any development that might have a material impact on the ICT third-party service provider’s ability to effectively provide the ICT services supporting critical or important functions in line with agreed service levels.
You may log any issues you are experiencing with the Licensed Software via our support portal which has been made available to you.

You can contact our Support Portal for information on any vulnerabilities affecting the Licensed Software of which we are aware, which will include those that can reasonably be expected to have a material impact on the Licensed Software.

FD Technologies Plc, as parent of the KX group, is subject to public disclosure requirements applicable to companies listed on the AIM Market of the London Stock Exchange.

Article 28(7):
Financial entities shall ensure that contractual arrangements on the use of ICT services may be terminated in any of the following circumstances:

  • significant breaches by the ICT third-party service provider of applicable laws, regulations or contractual terms;
  • circumstances identified throughout the monitoring of ICT third-party risk that are deemed capable of altering the performance of the functions provided through the contractual arrangement, including material changes that affect the arrangement or the situation of the ICT third-party service provider;
  • ICT third-party service provider’s evidenced weaknesses pertaining to the overall ICT risk management and in particular in the way it ensures the availability, authenticity, integrity and confidentiality of data, whether personal or otherwise sensitive data, or non-personal data;
  • where the competent authority can no longer effectively supervise the financial entity as a result of the conditions of, or circumstances related to, the respective contractual arrangement.
In addition to your right to terminate for cause as set out in your Agreement, the following additional right to terminate shall apply:

You may terminate the Agreement in whole or in part by notice in writing with immediate effect in the following events:

  1. A material breach by us or any of our subcontractors of laws and/or regulations which are applicable to us in the performance of the Agreement;
  2. where circumstances capable of materially and detrimentally altering the performance of our services to you are identified and these circumstances have not been remediated within 30 days;
  3. where material weaknesses are identified regarding the management and security of your Confidential Information, personal information or otherwise sensitive data which is under our control, such as material deviations from the Technical and Organizational Measures, and we have not been able to remediate such weaknesses within 30 days; and
  4. where instructions are given by your competent authority to terminate this Agreement, e.g. in the case that the competent authority is no longer in a position to effectively supervise you as a result of the Agreement (or the services provided under it).
Article 30(2)(h):
The contractual arrangements on the use of ICT services shall include termination rights and related minimum notice periods for the termination of the contractual arrangements, in accordance with the expectations of competent authorities and resolution authorities.
You shall have the right to terminate the Agreement for cause in the circumstances set out in the Agreement and if no such rights are set out, in the following circumstances (in addition to the above):
You may terminate the Agreement at any time upon written notice to us if: (i) we materially breach any provision of the Agreement and fail to cure such breach (where curable) within thirty (30) days after receiving written notice of such breach; (ii) we become insolvent, unable to pay our debts as they fall due or cease to operate as a going concern; (iii) we make an assignment for the benefit of our creditors; or (iv) there are instituted by or against us proceedings in insolvency, bankruptcy, reorganization, receivership or dissolution and such proceeding is not stayed or dismissed within sixty (60) days.
Article 30(3)(f):
The contractual arrangements for the provision of critical or important functions shall include exit strategies, in particular the establishment of a mandatory adequate transition period:

  • during which the ICT third-party service provider will continue providing the respective functions or ICT services with a view to reducing the risk of disruption at the financial entity or to ensure its effective resolution and restructuring;
  • allowing the financial entity to migrate to another ICT third-party service provider or change to in-house solutions consistent with the complexity of the service provided.
To the extent that we are providing critical and important functions to you:

  1. If the Licensed Software is no longer to be made generally available by us to our customers, we will provide customers with at least twenty-four (24) months’ notice via our web pages; and
  2. Upon termination of the Agreement other than where we terminate for cause, and where reasonably requested by you, we will provide you with reasonable transition services to the extent necessary to assist you with your smooth transition from our Licensed Software and associated services to an alternative provider for a maximum period of six months from the date of termination. Such transition services shall be charged at the applicable fees/ rates under the Agreement (as if it had auto-renewed, or if no fees are stipulated, at our then current list price) and the parties shall enter into an appropriate professional services agreement (where necessary) and Statement of Work to determine the scope, duration and fees for such services.
Article 30(2)(a):
The contractual arrangements on the use of ICT services shall indicate whether subcontracting of an ICT service supporting a critical or important function, or material parts thereof, is permitted and, if so, the conditions applying to such subcontracting.
To the extent that we are providing critical and important functions to you and except as otherwise prohibited or restricted in your Agreement, we may engage subcontractors, including our Affiliates, to assist in the performance of any services. If we subcontract any of our services under the Agreement:

  1. we will enter into a written agreement with the subcontractor reflecting, to the extent required based on the specific role of the subcontractor, obligations that are consistent with our obligations under the relevant terms of the Agreement
  2. any such subcontracting will not diminish our responsibility towards you under the Agreement, and
  3. we will provide appropriate governance and oversight of the subcontractor’s performance.

Each Party shall comply with its applicable obligations under Data Protection Laws in relation to its processing of personal data under the Agreement. If, in the course of providing any services to you, we are a processor of your personal data, the provisions of the Data Processing Agreement will apply. You acknowledge that we or any of our Affiliates may process any personal data that is collected by us in connection with registration to receive Software Support Services or support and maintenance services (as applicable), in accordance with the privacy notice (as amended from time to time) that can be found or linked on the designated support portal or that may otherwise be provided to you by us from time to time.

“Data Protection Laws” means any applicable data protection laws including, without limitation, the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 as it applies in the European Union (“GDPR”), the UK Data Protection Act 2018, the GDPR as it forms part of UK law by virtue of the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 (“UK GDPR”), and any other applicable legislation in respect of privacy and/or processing Personal Data, each to the extent applicable to the activities or obligations of the parties under or pursuant to the Agreement, and as may be amended, supplemented or replaced from time to time.

Article 30(3)(e):
The contractual arrangements for the provision of critical or important functions shall include the right to monitor on an ongoing basis the ICT third-party service provider’s performance, which entails the following:

  • unrestricted rights of access, inspection and audit by the financial entity, or an appointed third-party, and by the competent authority, and the right to take copies of relevant documentation on-site if they are critical to the operations of the ICT third-party service provider, the effective exercise of which is not impeded or limited by other contractual arrangements or implementation policies;
  • the right to agree alternative assurance levels if other clients’ rights are affected;
  • the obligation of the ICT third-party service provider to fully cooperate during the onsite inspections performed by the competent authorities, the lead overseer, financial entity or an appointed third party;
  • the obligation to provide details on the scope and procedures to be followed and frequency of such inspections and audits.
To the extent that we are providing critical and important functions to you:

You may, no more than annually, review and inspect our information security policies, practices, and procedures to confirm our compliance with the Agreement (including this document). You shall provide us with at least 30 days’ prior notice of such audit and agree with us the scope and duration of such audit in advance. An inspection shall not unreasonably interfere with the normal conduct of our business. If you engage an independent third party to conduct such audit, this shall be at your sole expense and such third party must be subject to industry standard confidentiality undertakings, and it shall provide summary copies of any resulting report to us. We shall fully cooperate as reasonably requested with you and/or your competent authorities, and any auditor appointed by you and/or your competent authorities in any audit permitted under the Agreement (including this document). In relation to any such audit, we shall supply you, and any competent authorities with any information reasonably requested by you or the competent authorities in connection with the software or services provided under the Agreement.

Article 30(2)(c):
The contractual arrangements on the use of ICT services shall include provisions on availability, authenticity, integrity and confidentiality in relation to the protection of data, including personal data.
The confidentiality provisions of your Agreement apply to any Confidential Information you share with us under the Agreement. If, in the course of providing any services to you, we are a processor of your personal data, the provisions of the Data Processing Agreement will apply.
Article 30(2)(d):
The contractual arrangements on the use of ICT services shall include provisions on ensuring access, recovery and return in an easily accessible format of personal and non-personal data processed by the financial entity in the case of insolvency, resolution or discontinuation of the business operations of the ICT third-party service provider, or in the case of termination of the contractual arrangements.
The confidentiality provisions of your Agreement apply to any Confidential Information you share with us under the Agreement. If, in the course of providing any services to you, we are a processor of your personal data, the provisions of the Data Processing Agreement will apply.

Upon your request, we will take reasonable steps to destroy or erase any of your Confidential Information we hold, provided that we may retain copies of Confidential Information:

  1. That is securely stored in archival or computer back-up systems,
  2. To meet legal or regulatory obligations, or
  3. In accordance with bona fide record retention policies,

subject to the Agreement’s terms.

Article 30(3)(d):
The contractual arrangements for the provision of critical or important functions shall include the obligation of the ICT-third party service provider to participate and fully cooperate in the financial entity’s threat led penetration testing.
To the extent that we are providing critical and important functions to you:

You are responsible for testing the Licensed Software and any release or version thereof prior to releasing it into a production environment.

We will conduct penetration tests of the Licensed Software annually. The summary reports for such third-party penetration tests are available upon request to you, subject to the confidentiality provisions of the Agreement.

We will use commercial reasonable efforts to verify, using industry standard tooling and methodology, that the Licensed Software and any Version thereof does not contain any Malicious Code on delivery to you.

“Malicious Code” means any software, script, code, file, program, or other harmful or unwanted computer instructions that are designed to infiltrate, disrupt, damage, or gain unauthorized access to computer systems, networks, data, or software. This includes, but is not limited to, viruses, worms, spyware, adware, ransomware, Trojan horses, logic bombs, or any other similar malicious programs or code designed to impair the functionality, security, or performance of the software, hardware, or data.

Article 30(3)(c):
The contractual arrangements for the provision of critical or important functions shall include requirements for the ICT third-party service provider to implement and test business contingency plans and to have in place ICT security measures, tools and policies that provide an appropriate level of security for the provision of services by the financial entity in line with its regulatory framework.
To the extent that we are providing critical and important functions to you:
We maintain a business continuity plan in line with industry standards (“BCP”) aimed at ensuring the continuity of services to our customers and we test the BCP annually. Further information on our BCP can be found in the Technical and Organizational Measures.We will adhere in all material respects to our security policies on our Trust Centre.
Article 30(2)(f):
The contractual arrangements on the use of ICT services shall include the obligation of the ICT third-party service provider to provide assistance to the financial entity at no additional cost, or at a cost that is determined ex-ante, when an ICT incident that is related to the ICT service provided to the financial entity occurs.
KX maintains an incident response policy as set out in its Technical and Organizational Measures.

Upon our confirmation of a Security Incident, we will: (i) notify you without undue delay; (ii) provide you with reasonable information detailing the cause of the Security Incident, the impact of the Security Incident on your Confidential Information, the corrective actions taken to resolve the Security Incident; and (iii) cooperate fully with you to respond to the Security Incident. A “Security Incident” is any event caused by us or originating from the Licensed Software which results in (A) unauthorized access to, disclosure or use of, or loss of integrity to your Confidential Information; or (B) the unavailability of any service provided to you that is a result of malicious activity, as well as any material violation or imminent threat of material violation of security policies, acceptable use policies, or standard security practices.

Article 30(2)(h):
The contractual arrangements on the use of ICT services shall include the conditions for the participation of ICT third-party service providers in the financial entities’ ICT security awareness programs and digital operational resilience trainings.
KX conducts annual training on its security policies. In addition, we agree to participate in any reasonable security awareness and digital operational resilience training required by you, which is proportionate and relevant to the services which we provide to you, subject to additional fees at our then current rates and as agreed in a professional services Statement of Work executed by the parties.