KX Cloud Partners

KX runs on Microsft Azure, AWS, and Google Cloud. Customers can get a single, seamless experience with deep integrations with our cloud partners globally.

Amazon Web Services (AWS)

AWS Logo
Maintain your competitive edge with our highly available, scalable, time-series analytics on AWS. Build a performant data analytics solution for today’s cloud and hybrid ecosystems, while making the most of the agility, security, and scalable storage provided by AWS.

Google Cloud

Google Cloud Logo
Google Cloud Global Technology Partner of the Year for Financial Services, KX brings the increased efficiencies and scalability of the kdb+ database system to the Google Cloud Platform. Available through Google Cloud Launcher so customers can focus on business success, not procurement.

Microsoft Azure

Microsoft Azure Logo
To make timely, business critical decisions you need fast, highly available analytics that can scale with demand. We have partnered with Azure to deliver rapid, reliable time-series analytics with the agility and scalability of the Azure ecosystem.

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