Trust Center

Protecting our customers and business with Security and Privacy Practices.

The KX Approach

KX maintains an Information Security Program to ensure confidentiality, integrity and availability of all KX systems. Compliance, Security, Privacy and Data Protection is of great importance to KX and to our valued clients. The KX Compliance and Security Strategy encompasses all aspects of our business.


Compliance is embedded in how we operate. Driving security improvements through compliance, aligning with the appropriate and relevant standards drives security improvement across our products and services. The development of our compliance portfolio involves external assurance activities to provide confidence that our business security is implemented, maintained and continuously improved. KX leadership is pivotal in driving our information security and compliance posture through culture and continued diligence.

Secure Product Development

Security is embedded in all stages of the development practice. This includes peer code reviews and use of code analysis and vulnerability scanning tools as part of continuous integration.

Secure Product Support

Our product support teams protect our customer data and information by collecting only vital information and limiting access to customer contact information. Our data protection policy includes:

  • Collecting only vital company and contact information
  • Communicating customer information and data via HTTPS and Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocols.

Data Privacy

KX maintains a privacy program that is designed to comply with all privacy regulations applicable to the company and the personal data we hold. We have processes in place to ensure that we handle the personal data of our customers in accordance with our legal obligations and our customer contracts.

KX prioritizes Trust, Security, Privacy and Data Protection across our business. We are committed to ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the information entrusted to us by our customers and partners. We ensure that robust Security practices are a foundational element of our commitment to providing reliable and trustworthy solutions.

Mary Zygadlo, SVP of Compliance