Get to know the world’s fastest time series database.
*Independently benchmarked by STAC Research
Meets your largest data needs in the most demanding environments.
Built-in functions for handling time series information provide speed and simplicity when working with data.
Columnar design delivers greater speed and efficiency than typical relational databases.
Excels at processing both historical and real-time data, allowing you to make informed decisions quickly.
Achieves lower TCO with a solution optimized for data storage, performance, and time-series workloads.
Supports our native language q, as well as Python, Java, C#, C++, Rust, R, and open-source libraries for others.
In-memory compute automatically distributes database operations across CPU cores.
Small memory footprint exploits L1/L2 CPU caches up to 100x faster than RAM.
Products built with kdb+
Businesses lose a competitive edge due to slow analytics, spend more because of high infrastructure costs, and forego efficiency because of increasing data volumes. kdb Insights helps you make intelligent decisions no matter how much data you have or how quickly it changes.
KDB.AI is a powerful vector database that allows you to build scalable, reliable AI applications using real-time data. Build Generative AI applications with advanced search, recommendation, and personalization capabilities.
Enhance your kdb+ experience with these additional features.
PyKX seamlessly integrates Python with kdb+, allowing developers to harness the speed and efficiency for enhanced analytic capabilities and accelerated development to unlock the full potential of kdb+ in your workflows.
Proven in the toughest data environments, leading global investment banks and data-driven businesses worldwide, kdb+ is ready for your Python time series, machine learning, and AI demands.
KX Dashboards is an interactive data visualization tool that enables non-technical and power users to query, transform, share, and present live data insights.
Support collaboration and communication throughout your organization with out-of-the-box templates, or choose from over 40 drag and drop widgets to fully customize your visualizations.
Bring the familiarity and ease of use of SQL and PGWire to your KX instance, giving your analyst access to the power of kdb+ for efficiency in queries and data visualization. Enhance business intelligence and accelerate app customization while improving queries and data visualization.
SQL: Introduce a robust framework for structured data management so your data engineers can reuse familiar tools for business intelligence, data integration, and data science, accelerating app customization.
PGWire: Bring real-time data and high-performance analytics to a variety of SQL-based business intelligence tools using PGwire for interoperability.
The focus of this course is the practical usage that is commonly seen when using q/kdb+. Aimed at complete beginners.
Advance your kdb+ learning journey with free, interactive, on-demand training.
Connect with experts and get to grips with our world-leading real-time data analytics technology.
Tel: +1 (212) 447 6700
Tel: +44 (0)28 3025 2242
Tel: +65 65921960
Tel: +61 (0)2 9236 5700
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