Kdb Insights: Subprocessors

Please register to be notified of any changes to the Subprocessor list on this page. If a change occurs, you will receive an email to the address that you provide.

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We will notify you when updates are made to our KX Insights Platform Subprocessors list.

Kx may engage one or more of its Affiliates to provide services under the Agreement:”


Affiliate Entity Location
FD Technologies plc UK
FD Services Limited UK
FD Hong Kong Limited Hong Kong
FD Japan Limited Japan
FD Pte Limited Singapore
FD South Korea Limited South Korea
FD Pty Limited Australia
FD Canada Inc Canada
FD Ireland Limited Ireland
Teleconomics09 S.L Spain
Kx Systems Inc. USA
First Derivatives Poland SP zo.o, Poland
Kx Systems Hungary Kft. Hungary