kdb+ Personal Edition Download

Get to know the world’s fastest time series database.

kdb+ is the fastest in-memory, columnar analytics database available and delivers unmatched value to businesses operating in the toughest data environments.

  • In-memory compute automatically distributes database operations across CPU cores.
  • Small memory footprint exploits L1/L2 CPU caches up to 100X times faster than RAM.
  • Excels at processing both historical and real-time data, allowing you to make informed decisions quickly.
  • Built-in functions for handling time series information provide speed and simplicity when working with data.
  • Supports our native language q, as well as Python, Java, C#, C++, Rust, R and open-source libraries for others.

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A verified G2 leader for time-series

Recognized by G2 as a ‘Momentum Leader’ for time series databases, and stream analytics, as ‘Leader’ for time series Intelligence, and as ‘High Performer’ for columnar databases—KX is driving innovation in real-time data analytics.

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